
Other services available to visitors

What are the services that Oltremare makes available to its visitors? Here they are

In Oltremare it is possible to take advantage of a stroller rental service that can be collected at the information office located in the large entrance square near the ticket offices. We also point out that in order to use the service it is necessary to present an identity card.

Picnic areas
The park has a shady picnic area in the Delta, near the Mulino del Gufo.
The area is equipped with benches and tables. Cold drink dispensers are available nearby.

Accessibility for the disabled

Guests with 100% disability (showing the card with the percentage and the identification document) enter the park for free and their companions pay the reduced ticket.
All areas and most of the attractions (with the exception of the Island of Ulysses) of the park are accessible by wheelchair, the avenues are easily accessible and there is an elevator to move on the three floors.
By contacting the staff you can have priority access to the attractions.
Almost all attractions have multisensory aspects that involve, in addition to hearing, also touch and smell.
On each of the three floors there are toilets reserved for guests with disabilities.

Electric scooters
In Oltremare it is possible to rent Mobility Center electric scooters for Over 65, 75% disabled, 100% disabled but also for those who do not have a certificate of disability but have reduced mobility. The service is FREE, in partnership with INVACARE.
In order to use the service it is necessary to present an identity card.


Animals are welcome in Oltremare, however, given the presence of other animals in the park there are some limitations.
Animals cannot enter Planet Earth and Oltremare Theater.
They will have to remain at a distance during the daily appointments in the Lagoon and the training sessions.
During the Flight of the Birds of Prey they must always be kept on a leash.
Large dogs are not allowed to enter the boats on the Island of Ulysses.

People who cannot enter the attractions listed above with animals can take advantage of the skip-the-line service. Once the normal queue has been made, one person can wait at the entrance of the attraction with the animal while the other people can enjoy the attraction. At the end of it, people will be able to change without having to re-queue.

A first aid medical service is available throughout the park's opening hours.

Storage of objects
Inside the park there are lockers to deposit any objects. The deposit is not guarded and costs € 1.00 each time the locker is opened.


Entry and exit
It is possible to leave and re-enter the park within the day by asking the entrance staff to have the appropriate stamp placed.


Babies and toddlers
In the park there is a nursery where you can change, breastfeed and warm the baby food. In the women's bathrooms there are tables or changing tables for changing nappies.
Pacifiers, bottles and diapers for small children are on sale at the Big O and Open shop.
Between the Dolphin Lagoon and the Island of Ulysses there is the Pacifier Tree available for all those grown-up children who want to "hang up" their pacifier.

The Planet Earth and Darwin attractions feature loud noises and sudden special effects. Families who do not intend to allow their children to enter the attractions can take advantage of the queue-saving service. Once the normal queue has been made, one person can wait at the entrance of the attraction with the child while the other people can enjoy the attraction. At the end of it, people will be able to change without having to re-queue.

Bancomat and credit cards
There is an ATM at the main entrance square of the park, near the ticket offices.
It is possible to pay by debit or credit card at our cash desks, shops and refreshment points.

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  • © Oltremare - P.iva 03362540100 - REA: GE-337946